Lenglet Kate

Katie Lenglet, PT, DPT

Commitment to Patient-Centered Care

“Every person has a story and I enjoy hearing that story. With education, manual techniques and exercise, I work with each person to meet their goals, while giving them the skills to treat themselves and prevent recurring pain.”

Clinical Expertise

Dr. Lenglet specializes in women’s pelvic health, endurance athletes, chronic pain and orthopedics/musculoskeletal conditions in pediatrics and adults.


  • Schmid M, Lenglet K, Guggenheimer J, Blegen M.,  Descriptive Analysis of Cardiovascular Demands during Elite Curling. Med & Sci in Sport & Exer. 2016;48(5S):847.

Professional Affiliations

  • American Physical Therapy Association


  • Doctorate of Physical Therapy, Saint Catherine University
  • Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science, Saint Catherine University
  • Level I Herman and Wallace Pelvic Health Therapist
  • Certified Kinesiotape Therapist


“I enjoy being outdoors, baking and spending time with family and friends.”