TBI “Symptom-Friendly”Activities

Join a virtual book club
Some online book clubs offer free audiobook listening. Consider listening to a chapter per day and schedule a conference call to discuss the book with friends.

Go on a virtual walk with your friends.
Bluetooth headphones can make walking while on the phone much more comfortable. Schedule a short walk with a friend and catch up during a neighborhood stroll. The best part is you can take as many breaks as you need and go at your own pace.

Watch a movie, show, or Facebook video with friends.
There are currently wonderful options for watching your favorite TV show or Facebook video at the same time as other friends.  Finally there is a seamless way to watch a movie “with friends” without having extra distractions in your immediate space.

Attend a live concert at home. Many of our patients express sadness over missing out on concerts after injuries, as live music events are normally overstimulating, loud and held in challenging environments. But many amazing artists perform live on Facebook, Instagram or Patreon. What better time to attend a live music show in the comfort of your quiet home!

Take an exercise class. If you are ready for some gentle exercising, there are a multitude of free yoga or exercise classes onlinethat you can take at your own pace and in the comfort of your own home without the extra stress of loud studio music, challenging lighting, or commutes.