Telling stories. Sharing ideas. Healthy advice.

Black mother looking fondly at her baby, Meet Sydnee from East Lake Clinic, trauma, healing, pregnancy, staff

Meet Sydnee from East Lake Clinic

The Trauma Healing Program at East Lake Clinic creates a healing environment for pregnant and post-pregnant families.

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east lake clinic, No other place has cared for me as well as here, East Lake Clinic, health disparities, pregnant person support, all are welcome at east lake clinic

“No other place has cared for me as well as here” — how East Lake Clinic is addressing health disparities, one phone call at a time

What would happen if every pregnant person was asked about the support they needed to get ready for their birth?

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Group of women representing different races and ages, human papillomavirus, cervical cancer, pap test, HPV test, vaccine, women's health

HPV vaccines save lives

Individuals can decrease their risk of getting both HPV and associated cancers by getting the HPV vaccine.

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single woman with graphic background, closing care gaps breast cancer screening with american indian women, breast cancer screenings, screening for breast cancer, outreach to american indian women, preventing breast cancer in american indian women

Closing care gaps: breast cancer screening with American Indian women

Paula and Gracen Mcdougall, Cultural Navigators, began making outreach calls to American Indian patients overdue for breast cancer screening.

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A Pregnant Woman Doing Breathing Exercises And Resting On A Fitness Ball With The Help Of Her Physiotherapist

Why pelvic health is important in pregnancy

One segment of physical therapy focuses on pelvic health which can be thought of the trunk or middle of your body – your pelvis.

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pregnant teen holding her belly, teen pregnancy, pregnant teens, baby blues for pregnant teens, teenage pregnancy, mental health support for pregnant teens

Teen pregnancy and mental health

For teens, pregnancy can impact their mental health in drastic ways that differ from older pregnancy experiences.

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dr elizabeth alabi, what it’s like to be black, black doctor in white america, diversity within hospital leadership, advocate for patients of color, diversity education in healthcare, dr elizabeth alabi, obgyn

Part two: What it’s like to be Black and a doctor in white America

What challenges do black doctors experience while pursuing a career in medicine? What is it like to be a black doctor in white America?

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hennepin healthcare midwife staff, 50 years later, 14 midwives strong, first-of-its-kind, nurse midwife service, midwifery history

50 years later and 14 midwives strong, our first-of-its-kind Nurse Midwife Service

In 1971, Margaret used her knowledge as a Certified Nurse Midwife to develop the first hospital nurse midwife practice​ in Minnesota at HCMC. 

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young woman with road behind her, donate to women and girls in need, national women's health week, human rights and public health issue, access to feminine hygiene products

Donate to women and girls in need for National Women’s Health Week. Period.

EMS is collecting feminine hygiene products for women’s shelters, homeless shelters, and other community programs to support women and girls.

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pregnant woman holding her belly in subway, covid vaccine for pregnant people, should i get the covid vaccine if i am pregnant, covid vaccine when pregnant

I’m pregnant. Should I get the COVID-19 vaccine?

For most people, getting the COVID-19 vaccine as soon as possible is the safest choice. Pregnant individuals may have some questions.

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young woman receiving acupuncture, Acupuncture and acupressure during pregnancy, decreasing pain and stress during pregnancy, improving birth outcomes, back and hip pain, traditional chinese medicine, yoga and meditation

Acupuncture and acupressure during pregnancy; decreasing pain and stress, improving birth outcomes

A woman’s body goes through so many changes during pregnancy. Quality and restful sleep become more difficult to obtain.

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pregnant woman sitting on couch and holding her belly, Women’s health physical therapy is restoration and strength, incontinence, sciatica, pelvic care after pregnancy, labor and delivery position, beth stegora, breastfeeding support

Women’s health physical therapy is restoration and strength

It feels like no one told me what would happen to my body. But being pregnant possibly made me tune out what others were saying.

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newborn baby with doctor's hands in latex gloves, Birth providers celebrate your baby's birthday, patient care during covid, celebrating your baby during covid, safe care for you and your baby, your baby's birthday

Birth providers celebrate your baby’s birthday

Having a baby is a sacred event. Not even a pandemic can take that away. There is so much uncertainty caused by COVID.

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four black doulas, Black Maternal Health Week, Through the eyes of two Black doulas, amplify voices of black moms, outcomes for pregnant women, doulas, everyday miracles, Sierra Williams, Hadijatou Sanyang

Black Maternal Health Week: Through the eyes of two Black doulas

Black Maternal Health Week (BMHW) – April 11 through 17 – is a national campaign led by the Black Mamas Matter Alliance.

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doula helping mom in hospital, what is a doula, midwifes, midwife, support during childbirth, emotional support for moms, claudia beck

Vocabulary lesson: What is a doula?

Having a baby is one of the most exciting, scary, and vulnerable times in a mom’s life. You have never had so many questions.

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group of women smiling at the camera, 1 in 10 women have endometriosis, inflammation, infertility, manage pain, minimally invasive surgery, dr eric heegaard

1 in 10 Women: Endometriosis

Endometriosis, a potentially disabling condition, affects approximately 200 hundred million women’s lives.

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Breastfeeding help… even before a baby is born

Visiting with a lactation consultant before your baby arrives can help you prepare to breastfeed or provide expressed milk.

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young girl scratching dry skin, get your skin ready for the winter, bathing, moisturizing, protecting skin in winter, dr jenny liu, dry skin, eczema

Get your skin ready for the winter

Dry skin and eczema are two of the most common conditions the dermatologists at Hennepin Healthcare see in winter.

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patient looking out the window at hennepin healthcare, two heart attacks, two different types of pain, heart care for women, coronary heart disease, prevent heart disease

Two heart attacks – two different types of pain

Pain from a heart attack can take on different forms for women and subtle differences could make a difference for patients.

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midwife with pregnant mom in lobby, midwife means with woman, hydrotherapy tub, comfortable birth, supporting pregnant mothers, midwifery

Midwife means “with woman”

Did you know that the word midwife means literally, “with woman”?  It is a simplified but accurate description of what midwives do every day. 

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