Telling stories. Sharing ideas. Healthy advice.

Black mother looking fondly at her baby, Meet Sydnee from East Lake Clinic, trauma, healing, pregnancy, staff

Meet Sydnee from East Lake Clinic

The Trauma Healing Program at East Lake Clinic creates a healing environment for pregnant and post-pregnant families.

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drs Hart And Vang, Doctors at Hennepin Healthcare, making strides to address mental health access, health equity, population health, mental health

Doctors at Hennepin Healthcare making strides to address mental health access and health equity

Drs. Vang and Hart are stepping up to make a difference in mental health by serving on the boards of directors at the national level.

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Nicu Cristina Miller, A day-in-the-life, NICU Medical Director, Dr. Cristina Miller, pediatrics, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

A day-in-the-life of NICU Medical Director Dr. Cristina Miller

Dr. Miller had always known she wanted to work in pediatrics and discovered a love for the inpatient setting early on.

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Featured 5 Daisy Winners, 5 Hennepin Healthcare nurses, DAISY Award, nursing award recipients, excellent nursing care award, what award meant to nurses

5 Hennepin Healthcare nurses share what receiving the DAISY Award meant to them

We asked Hennepin Healthcare nurses and providers how they felt when they found out that they had won the DAISY Award.

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Brain injury patient Erin Carlson with tbi staff, tbi, patient story, therapy, PICU, grateful patient reunion, erin duffy carlson, car accident, head injury, glasgow coma scale

After surviving a severe TBI, a patient returns to thank the team members

Erin (Duffy) Carlson was 23 years old when she was hit by another vehicle while riding in a car on July 20, 2007.

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health care assistant, hca, homegrown hca program, nursing program, nursing assistant program, deja kye, theresa verhulst, melissa hill

Homegrown HCA program creates opportunities in medicine

Thirteen years ago, Theresa Verhulst started working in the Hennepin Healthcare kitchen, serving food trays to patients.

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Nicu Nurse Mai Stigen, nicu nurse, critical care patients, daisy award winner, bereavement program, now I lay me down to aleep, NILMDTS, Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep

How a NICU nurse is supporting her team and helping grieving families heal

Caring for the most critical patients gives me the greatest amount of joy as a NICU nurse, says Mai Stigen.

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Man Stretching At Desk, pain at work, reduce pain at work, work pain, ways to reduce pain at work

10 ways to reduce pain at work

These practices can help you prevent and minimize pain at work. There are no fast and hard rules but small changes can have a big impact.

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Advanced Practice Providers, app, advanced practice providers, getting to know our apps, celebrating advanced practice providers

Getting to know our APPs: Advanced Practice Providers

APP Week is an annual observance held the fourth week of September recognizing the work of these dedicated healthcare professionals.

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Jared Murphy, heart attack, cardiac arrest, widowmaker, hennepin ems, occlusion myocardial infarction

Not alien to hard work – heart attack, cardiac arrest no match for patient

Designer Jared Murphy was visiting a home where he had been working on a project when he suddenly wasn’t feeling well.

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Loss of sight is always a medical emergency – and seeing is believing

On Friday, February 17, 2023, photographer Jerry Robb woke up nearly blind in his right eye. “As to be expected, I was terrified,” he said.

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illustration of ear and canal with sound pulsations, hearing loss, hard of hearing, hearing problems, signs of hearing loss, signs of hearing loss in adults and children

Signs of hearing loss in adults and children

Hearing loss can impact a person’s physical and mental health, and safety, leading to social isolation, injury, and dementia.

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young girl in hyperbaric chamber, dog attack, girl suffers ear amputation, successful hyperbaric treatment, kenzie riemenschneider, facial lacerations from dog attack

2-year-old suffers partial ear amputation and receives hyperbaric oxygen treatments

Kenzie Riemenschneider was attacked by her family’s 10-month-old puppy and suffered multiple head and facial lacerations.

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older woman shoveling heavy snow, shoveling snow, heart attack triggers, stressful work for heart, protect your heart, snow shoveling may trigger heart attack

Shoveling snow can trigger a heart attack

The work of lifting and throwing snow, particularly heavy and wet snow, can put significant stress on the heart.

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hennepin assault response team 45 year logo, hart, hennepin assault response team, adult victims of sexual assault, adolescent victims of sexual assault, sexual abuse

Hennepin Assault Response Team recognizes 45 years of helping sexual assault victims

The Hennepin Assault Response Team supports adult and adolescent victim-survivors of sexual assault at 11 other hospitals.

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child getting vaccinated, child specialists, child immunizations, positive immunization experience, helping kids with shots, positive vaccine experience

Help your child cope with pokes

With the new school year, caregivers are looking for ways to support their children for positive immunization experiences.

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three surgeons attending patient in guatemala, resident service abroad, surgery staff in guatemala, alexandra coward, residency experience abroad, hitchcock society support for residents

Resident reignites her passion for surgery through service

Alexandra Coward, MD, MPH, spent 10 days in Guatemala providing surgical services to a rural community through a nonprofit.

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young mother hugging her daughter, how to talk to your child about traumatic events, explaining violence to children, how to explain traumatic events, advice on how to explain violent acts, recognize signs of stress

How to talk to your child about traumatic events

As stories of school shootings dominate the news, parents of young children find themselves struggling to explain these traumatic events.

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daniel volovets playing guitar in the woods, opera performer, psychiatry resident daniel volovets, flamenco guitar, romani roots, minnesota opera

How music and medicine merge for opera performer and Hennepin Healthcare psychiatry resident Daniel Volovets

In the Minnesota Opera’s performance of Carmen this May, guitarist Daniel Volovets added a new element to the classical score.

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dr elizabeth alabi, what it’s like to be black, black doctor in white america, diversity within hospital leadership, advocate for patients of color, diversity education in healthcare, dr elizabeth alabi, obgyn

Part two: What it’s like to be Black and a doctor in white America

What challenges do black doctors experience while pursuing a career in medicine? What is it like to be a black doctor in white America?

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