Eye Tucks

Eyelid surgery is one of the most common plastic surgeries. Loose, wrinkled skin and bulging fatty tissues can be removed from upper and/or lower eyelids to improve blocked vision in severe cases or simply improve the patient's overall appearance.

The day of surgery

Eyelid tuck surgery is done on an outpatient basis. Patients will experience a local anesthetic injected into the eyelid skin. Excess skin is cut away and incisions are closed with stitches. Upper eyelid scars can be hidden in the fold of the eyelid. Lower incisions are made just beneath the lash line and usually heal well.

Recovering from your surgery

Patients should expect some swelling and bruising and some patients may get black-and-blue eyes. These symptoms are all part of the healing process. Most patients wear dark glasses or make-up to temporarily hide bruising. Over time the swelling and bruising will go away.

Eyelid tuck plastic surgery will restore function, improve your appearance, and enhance your self-image. After your consultation, if you still have questions about your surgery, make sure to ask us. We want you to make a well-informed decision.