Kathleen’s miracle and giving back

Kathleen and Cole Hustad, doula program, placenta previa, c-section, kathleen hustad, community philanthropy

When Kathleen was newly pregnant, her first choice was to go to Hennepin Healthcare, especially after hearing about the doula program.

“I had always heard really good things about Hennepin Healthcare – how it has amazing clinical teams and is a teaching hospital,” Kathleen said.

During an ultrasound, Kathleen and her care team discovered she had placenta previa, which put her at high risk for a Cesarean section. Although her son’s due date was September, Kathleen had a crisis in July and ended up at Hennepin Healthcare’s emergency department.

“The EMTs were so professional and caring,” Kathleen shared. “I also appreciated the chaplain who provided spiritual support once we arrived. Everyone was so encouraging.”

After running tests, providers determined that Kathleen could stay at the hospital on bed rest and didn’t need to deliver early.

“I was there for a few weeks, so I got to know everyone from the folks doing my daily blood draws and ultrasounds to the cleaning crews. I felt so cared for by every person that played a role.”

Kathleen successfully transitioned to bedrest at home and then delivered her son at 38 weeks with a planned C-section in the Birth Center, which she described as a miracle. She expressed appreciation for the OBGYN for welcoming in her doula and as much of Kathleen’s birth plan as possible.

“That might not have been feasible at other hospitals,” Kathleen said. “My pregnancy and birth could have been a traumatic experience, but with the support of Hennepin Healthcare, I have positive memories. Every person treated me with courtesy and dignity and took time to listen.”

Eleven years later, she and her son are living healthy lives, and Kathleen works for AHCU, a Minnesota credit union serving healthcare professionals for over 70 years.

To express their appreciation and gratitude, the AHCU team committed to sponsoring a Care Cart for employees each quarter throughout 2023. Each month, eight Care Carts stocked with drinks, snacks, face towelettes, and lip balm rotate to different hospital units to boost the spirits of our dedicated care teams.

“Now more than ever, working in healthcare is demanding,” Kathleen said. “We want to show extra support because we value our healthcare professionals.”

Kathleen shared that community philanthropy is important to the AHCU team because they want to create an emotional connection and relationship with members and to show that through 70 years of business, they are there for anything.

“We’ve been with some members for over 40 years – that’s super rewarding to know we’ve helped them,” Kathleen said.

She encouraged everyone to remember to thank healthcare professionals for all that they do.

“Thanking and appreciating them makes such a difference,” Kathleen said. “Spreading that gratitude will help this critical healthcare system continue providing exceptional care.”

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