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American Indian Advocacy

Aida Winona Strom, a member of the Sisseton Wahpeton Dakota Oyate, is the American Indian Patient Advocate. Strom is available to support American Indian patients and families by providing emotional and spiritual support. She assists with arrangements for American Indian Spiritual leaders to meet with families; maintains communication with families regarding the patient’s status, helps interpret medical terminology and systems to families and outside American Indian organizations; provides advocacy support in resolving complaints or concerns; and collaborates with social workers and chaplaincy regarding referrals for American Indian patients to American Indian community resources.

She has developed a cultural and spiritual curriculum for Hennepin Healthcare staff about the customs of American Indian people. The Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community has contributed financially to assist American Indian patients for several years and the Metropolitan Urban Indian Directors Committee acts as a community support group.

Strom is a graduate of Carleton College and has been working in the Twin Cities American Indian community for several years in the social service field. She is also active with the Sexual Violence Center in Minneapolis and the Minnesota Indian Women's Sexual Assault Coalition.


contact photo only aida strom

Aida Winona Strom

American Indian Patient Advocate

[email protected]
612-873-8591, Monday - Friday