R.I.S.E. Program Campaign

Resident Integrated Support Environment

Campaign Progress
Towards $300,000 goal

Providing Better Care for Patients by Caring for Physicians

Hennepin Healthcare has launched the first pilot program in the Twin Cities area to address the health and well-being of medical residents. The Resident Integrated Support Environment (R.I.S.E) Program addresses the mental, financial, and physical health needs of residents by offering integrated support.

Resident and fellow physicians are at elevated risk for developing depression compared to the general population. They are also less likely to utilize mental health services. The combination of high-intensity work and long hours, fatigue, social deprivation, student loan debt, and the fear of failure is contributing to rising depression rates amongst trainees.

Day-in-day out stress can lead to crippling depression. Barriers to seeking treatment noted by Hennepin Healthcare residents include:

  • Cost
  • Concern over medical licensing
  • Stigma
  • Limited time for personal medical appointment

Philanthropy is needed to change dark thoughts in a white coat to hope and fulfillment of a dream. YOU can help grow and sustain the R.I.S.E. Program ensuring a healthy provider workforce in the future. Healing those that heal others is an investment in not only Hennepin Healthcare and the patients we serve, but also our entire community.

Philanthropic Goal: $300,000

Integrated Support Includes:

  • On-site mental health and primary care
  • Sleep assessment and treatment for sleep deprivation
  • Medical error disclosure open-door policy and support system
  • Advocacy and empathy
  • Welcoming, nurturing, and open communication
  • Self-care training
  • Confidentiality

Many Physicians are Suffering in Silence and Need Our Help

  • Three University of Minnesota medical students have died by suicide since 2019.
  • Doctors are twice more likely to die by suicide than the general population. Doctors have the highest suicide rate among any profession in the country: 28 to 40 per 100,000 persons compared to 12.3 per 100,000 for the general population.
  • 30% of medical residents in the U.S. note experiencing a major depressive episode during training. Depression is the primary cause of suicidal ideation.
  • One or more doctors die by suicide in the U.S. every day - 300-400 annually.
emergency medicine mentor and resident
emergency medicine staff rounding in hallway
surgery provider with hair net and full scrubs leaning over
internal medicine residents group
scribe in stab room

Questions about supporting R.I.S.E?
Contact: Chad Boysen, Director of Development
[email protected]    Office: 612-873-2217  Mobile: 651-210-4938