swedish hospital mmc metropolitan medical center

Metropolitan Medical Center Collection

hennepin healthcare history center

The Metropolitan Medical Center (MMC) History Collection, established in 1974, is dedicated to providing public access as well as preserving and collecting materials and artifacts that document the history of the MMC. The Metropolitan Medical Center was created by the consolidation of St. Barnabas and The Swedish Hospitals in 1970. St. Barnabas was founded by Rev. David Knickerbacker of the Episcopal Diocese of Minnesota in 1871, and The Swedish Hospital was founded by the Swedish community in 1898.

Of special interest are displays that include memorabilia from the schools of nursing of St. Andrew's, St. Barnabas and The Swedish Hospitals as well as Radiology and Medical Technology programs.

A reading area houses over 800 books and bound volumes of journals that are available for research. Uniforms, medical and nursing instruments from operating rooms, obstetrics, and patient care areas also are on display.

The MMC closed on June 30, 1991. The nursing school alumni are still very active.

Operations of the Collection are financed by donations and fundraising. In addition to a paid curator, the Collection is cared for by volunteers.

history center nurse mannequins


Books about The Swedish Hospital School of Nursing:
A True Nurse, by Daniel Hoisington
From Stripes to Whites by Pat Gaarder and Tracy Baker

A book about St. Barnabas Hospital:
With Faith and a Marketbasket, by Grace Terry

A book about Mount Sinai Hospital:
Mount Sinai Hospital of Minneapolis, Minnesota, by Fred A. Lyon, M.D.

Collections and Education

HCMC History

The HCMC History Collection includes artifacts of health care, general patient care, and medical procedures at the Hennepin County Medical Center.

Metropolitan Medical Center

The Metropolitan Medical Center History Collection is dedicated to providing public access as well as preserving and collecting materials and artifacts.

Educational History

There were many types of education programs at the hospitals in Minneapolis. Nursing schools were often unique to the specific hospital.

HCMC Blue Building

915 S 8th St, Minneapolis, MN

The MMC Collection is located in BL.227.
The HCMC Collection is located in BL.226.


Located within Hennepin Healthcare’s HCMC hospital campus in downtown Minneapolis, the Hennepin Medical History Center preserves and shares over a century of hospital history. Visit our public gallery spaces in the lower level of the Blue Building to explore a unique collection of medical artifacts, images, and departmental and nursing school histories.  

Gallery Hours: 10:00 am to 1:00 pm most Thursdays  

Research or General Inquiries: [email protected] or 612-873-6485 

For patients, medical records, or employment inquiries, please access the main website, hennepinhealthcare.org.